Neuro-Emotional Technique

N.E.T. is a mind/body approach that focuses on removing neurological imbalances related to unresolved stress through the spine and/or acupuncture points.

About N.E.T

N.E.T. is a mind/body approach that focuses on removing neurological imbalances related to unresolved stress through the spine and/or acupuncture points. Neuroscience has shown that emotions and how we respond to stress have a direct correlation to physiological responses in our bodies. Simply put, one’s unresolved emotional stress can manifest in the body as a migraine, neck pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, low back pain etc.

From a recently published study by Thomas Jefferson University showing N.E.T. having a positive effect on brain physiology pre and post MRI:

Brain fMRI of unresolved trauma patient before Neuro-Emotional Technique treatment

Fig. 1: This fMRI shows what the brain looks like during the re-experiencing of an unresolved trauma before a patient is treated with NET.

Brain fMRI of unresolved trauma patient before Neuro-Emotional Technique treatment

Fig. 2: After NET the fMRI shows the brain has returned to normal functioning — even when again exposed to the same stimulus that was traumatic before treatment.

J Cancer Surviv. 2017 Feb 8. doi: 10.1007/s11764-017-0601-8

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